Example Code
You can run most examples with uvicorn
Run uvicorn --reload <module>:app
from the example directory, replacing <module>
with the Python filename without the extension.
For example:
cd pydantic-ai
pip install uvicorn fastapi fastapi-agents pydantic-ai
uvicorn --reload pydantic_ai:app
- getting-started.ipynb - A step-by-step walkthrough of configuring FastAPI Agents with PydanticAI including tool definitions to build a demo todo list manager agent and serve as an API. Runs within a Jupyter notebook so you can execute each part in sequence to see what happens.
- mixing-frameworks-with-auto-detection.ipynb - A step-by-step walkthought of registering agents from different frameworks to the same FastAPI app, with automatic detection of the agent framework.
- using-openai-mode.ipynb - A step-by-step walkthrough of configuring FastAPI Agents in 'OpenAI' mode, to use your agents with any OpenAI-compatible tooling, including the OpenAI SDK.
View on GitHub.
- pydantic_ai.py - A basic example showing how to use a PydanticAI agent with FastAPI Agents
- pydantic_ai_deps.py - Adding depdendency injection to PydanticAI
See full code on GitHub.
- llama_index.py - A basic example showing how to use a Llama-Index agent with FastAPI Agents
See full code on GitHub.
- smolagents.py - A basic example showing how to use a smolagents agent with FastAPI Agents
See full code on GitHub.
- crewai.py - A basic example showing how to use a CrewAI Crew with FastAPI Agents in openai mode
See full code on GitHub.
- security_apikey.py - Adding FastAPI security dependency with API Key header authentication
- security_cookie.py - Adding FastAPI security dependency with cookie-based authentication
- security_httpbasic.py - Adding FastAPI security dependency with HTTP Basic (username/password) authentication
- security_oauth2.py - Adding FastAPI security dependency with Oauth2 (Bearer) authentication
- security_oidc.py - Adding FastAPI security dependency with OIDC-based authentication
See full code on GitHub.
- PydanticAI with OAuth2 security using fastapi-agents container
See full code on GitHub.
OpenAI Mode
- PydanticAI with OAuth2 security in openai-mode using fastapi-agents container
See full code on GitHub.